Monday, 20 September 2010

A Day to Remember - "I'm Made of Wax, Larry. What Are You Made Of?"

The basic premise of this video is redundant, with the idea of the band taking part in a kickball. However, as they are facing children, the video holds some entropy, though very little.
The shots showing the band playing are redundant, as they show mostly the band jumping around energeticly is a staple of a music video of this genre. The high amount of cuts is also common.
The banter like body language is the usual for an informal, or less serious music video such as this. The exegerated facial expressions is another redundant feature.
The cheerleaders are shown to be merely sex objects, which is typical of a video targeted at primarily teenage males.
The injuries shown to be received by the children is entropic, as it is uncommon to see children harmed within the media.
The ending is also redundant, as we see the lead singer score the winning kick. This is the ending people would generally expect, as the lead singer is usually profiled more.

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