Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Production: Digital Technology

I had some knowledge of the using the cameras from my Film studies course, and my use of the camera in both the music video and lip sync exercise was limited. I did however learn more about the way the tape records, and how sometimes the tape would not record straight away, or it would be left running. Another problem was the camera would occasionally change its focus by itself, like seen in the image.

Over the next year, I hope to be able to use more of the cameras features, such as the focusing and zooming options.

Research and Planning

Our first task was to practise lip syncing by singing Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the heart". The other task I will be discussing was to recreate the Busted music video "What I go to school for", shot for shot. This was mainly to practise editing and to help build more experience in planning shoots.

A storyboard was the most helpful, as it provided both visual aid, but mainly had the technical aspect, such as length of each shot, shot type etc. However, I think the storyboard needed more detail, as the group had to keep checking the actual video as opposed to using the storyboard. The shooting script was also lacking. I think this is mainly due to lack of experience though. Also, someone discarded our shooting script prior to editing, which could of helped the ordering of the shots.

Over the next year, I expect to be using more detailed storyboards and shooting scripts, as I will need to be in more control over actors. I will also have to plan everything from technology used like cameras to items for props.